The World Economic Forum - agenda '21 and agenda 2030
The World Economic Forum is advancing the importance of two of its documents.
One is agenda 21, referring to the goals they want to be
achieved in the 21st century. And the other one is agenda 2030, being the goals
they want to be achieved in 2030.
The World Economic Forum uses crises like the COVID crisis
to gender fear into the population, not just the COVID crisis, but also a lot
of these riots that we're having – protests, divisions, hatred in our
societies, etc.
All these things are engendering a lot of fear, and so
people are fleeing to more centralized forms of government as our Savior to
deliver us from these problems and especially environmentalism.
If you look into these agendas; agenda 21 and agenda 2030
documents, one will find that the goals or the processes that they're
advocating are entirely opposite to what's going to help humanity and the
environment. Centralism advocates what is good for the elite, it advocates what
is good for central, economic and financial power.
If we really want to promote the betterment of environment,
what we need to do is decentralize power into the jurisdictions of local
communities. So that local communities will be free from the domination of the
global financial pounds.
The more our economy is located within growing monopolies,
then the less these monopolies are going to care for local regions, local
weather, local economies, etc. they're clearly not going to care for these
things. The more we put our faith into centralism, the more we're going to devastate
our local communities, and that will lead to more violence.
One of the things that these agenda programs - agenda 21 and
2030 claim to be solution to our environmental problems is the need for
increased urbanization. However, this is just a guise for slave labor cheaper wages,
getting people out of rural areas into squatters; and this is not going to save
the environment. It's going to open our environments to further exploitation by
these global monopolies that just exploit resources.
Also, it's not going to save our lives in terms of their
health because as we go that Urban's Glovers, we're going to become less
healthy, because our diets become poor, as we're not integrating nature, we're
not having the biodiversity that we need for our immune system.
The basic issue here is that there isn't justice, there
isn't transparency. If you're going to have people plugging in a vaccine and
advising the government to buy the vaccine, and he has billions of dollars of
shares in the vaccine company, then it’s not right.
The reason why conspiracy theories exists is because there
isn't justice. If we are to get rid of the conspiracy theories, then we need to
get rid of this vested interest; this conflict of interest, and have an essential-ship
and allow voices to be heard.
If the World Economic Forum, wants to improve our future (both
our environment and our lives), it's this corruption that needs to be dealt
with. We need industrial farming, We need to stop corruption where we have
these offshore bank accounts, shell companies, etc. where all these money is
stolen from local communities. We need to stop these sorts of things and bring
jurisdiction back to local communities where money isn't stolen from these into
these offshore accounts.
Don't go along blindly with the World Economic Forum and their
false agendas, because they drive us like sheep to corral by fear. False fear
from these diseases, riots, protests and all these sorts of things that are
dividing us. We will not be divided. We will say no to this centralism, taking
away our sovereignty.
We say no to this. We've got to say no, in love and non-violence,
but with clarity, we're going to study these issues and know the truth. God
made Adam and Eve to steward the environment, not to be in an urban school.
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