Left Wing and Right Wing - Theology of Life (Creational Theology)

God is interested in His creation. He made Adam and Eve (in His image) as stewards of over the creation. He gave them dominion to rule over His creation.

But, over the years, we have lost sight of this mandate for humanity. We have spiritualized faith to the extent that we are discounting creation.

God has restored humanity in Christ to rule over the nations and to bring His blessings to the nations and the world at large.

Some Left Wing Issues: The Environment, Supporting the poor, the refugees, etc.

Some Right Wing Issues: Prolife (Abortion), Marriage/Family: Family values are to be supported in love. One of the purposes of marriage is procreation and the marriage is to be sustained and not to have marriage and divorce.

Whether Left Wing or Right Wing, we need to stop these violence and divisions amongst us. We have good as well as extreme positions on both sides which are very harmful. The way to achieve that as Christians is via the Theology of Life. The one that brings healing and restoration to people. 

Christians have this to offer to the world today – Theology of Life (Creational Theology) so as to deliver us from this Left/Right divide.

For us (Christians) to do that, we need to salvage the Hebrew Faith and get away from the Gnostic Faith (a Faith of Individualism), which is just about our personal salvation only and us escaping and going to heaven. This is a destructive faith.

We need a more comprehensive faith which is not only about us, but also about our neighbours, our communities, the creation, and about God making us the custodians of His creation.

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