No To The Great Reset
The Old Testament prophets said that our faith has a lot to
do with social justice and caring for our neighbor. John in his first epistle
in the New Testament said “how can we say we love God, who we don't see, if we
don't love our neighbor who we do see?” So these things are very much connected
into our devotional lives.
In all these issues that we'll be addressing, we’ll see that
there's so much danger for today, for this year and years ahead. However, there's
also so much potential and opportunity for good change.
One of these changes that we need to have as our nation has
to be free from debt like the Jubilee, as the Old Testament says. And this debt
has been crippling, and destroying economies, decades, and it's getting worse.
There has to be a change, there has to be a Jubilee as the
Bible talks about. There is hope that this will happen and this hope encourages
us. Jesus prayed, “Let Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is
in heaven.” This is our vision, it’s what we're focusing on, it’s what we're
hoping for, it’s what we're speaking about, and it’s what we're building upon. We
live in this world but we are not resigning ourselves to the ways of this.
We're believers. We believe in God’s kingdom, we believe it's coming and it
will come.
There's so many areas of corruption in the world today and a
lot of people are hurting. There's the human sex trafficking, forced abortions
on a massive level around the world, and there's also this economic injustice. A
little has been spoken about it, like in the printing of trillions of dollars
during crises such as the 2008 bank crash and like this COVID crisis now. When
there's a crisis, like the COVID crises, everyone runs to the dollar because
that's the safe haven.
Our current policies of handling this crisis, are not
working, they're not good for so many people. But that's one issue/part of the
financial corruption.
The experts are estimating that about $100 trillion has been
illegally sucked out of the New York Stock Exchange through naked short selling.
The economy, ultimately cannot take this sort of abuse, and a lot of the
economic experts are saying the economy's going to fall, there's going to crash
at some point.
This is where the Great Reset comes in - when the economy
crashes, how they are going to pick it up and move us more into a communist
form of economics and social life, where there's so much debt on the houses,
the housing market, each person will get an equal income allotted to us every
month, we will have digital identity, digital passports health passports, etc. no
one has freedom anymore.
There are other people that are working on the possibility
of another solution. And that is taking out currencies back and breaking down
the central control of organizations like the International Monetary Fund and
the World Bank. It's opposite to the great reset. It's breaking down central
control and bringing economic power back to local jurisdictions and communities,
so that we're able to form communities, form relationships, etc. where we have
banks that are not owned by Central conglomerates but banks that serve the
interests of local communities. These banks serve industries, farming,
agriculture, families, communities, and local regions.
And this is what we saw in the Old Testament. This is
exactly how God set up the Israeli community, after the exodus. He had the
tabernacle, and in the tabernacle God's presence was the Holy of Holies, and
then around the turban, we had the 12 tribes. There was no there's no
centralization. The one in the center was God, the God of Jubilee, the God of
the widow, the God of the orphan and He did not suck the wealth out of these 12
tribes around. Also these 12 tribes did not dominate each other. They had local
communities, where they had their own judges and served the people within their
local communities.
This is the way that the world should be organized. There
are some people in the world that want to restore this kind of economy this. This
is the kingdom of God coming on earth as it is in heaven. I hope it's true. I
hope these people are working on the situation. I believe in it and I'm giving
my voice to this. Wouldn't it be wonderful if this debt could be canceled, and
decentralism of debt could be cancelled in the world and we could go back to an
economy that doesn't explore it seeks to serve the interests of local
jurisdiction? That's a real possibility.
Money is to be used to build people's lives. This is where
peace comes from. It doesn't come from the markets and technologies of the
World Economic Forum from centralization of government and the powers. Peace
comes as we use what we have to serve one another, to build each other's lives.
That's what the kingdom of God teaches. it's a biblical hope
That's the hope that we have for a better future. If we just think of ourselves
and whether we okay, we won't be okay, because there'll be division. We have to
think of one another and build up our lives as.
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