Revelation 19 - Jesus Coming on a White Horse
God’s rule is also coming through Judgement, as seen in
Revelation 19. God’s kingdom comes not only through the church but also through
judgment. In Jesus’ teachings, this judgment comes about because people reject
the light. God’s rule of light comes into the world.
Another way which God’s kingdom comes is through the Second
Coming of Christ. The second coming isn’t God coming and destroying a lot of
things. It’s what Isaiah says Isaiah 25. There’s a veil over the nations and
that veil shall be removed. Light will come into the earth like a flooding
A time will come when the veil/blindness shall be removed. God
is going to remove the veil. Christ will appear not only to us but to the
nations. The whole world will come into total transformation. It’s not a violent act; it’s the act of
Christ appearing.
The Sermon on the Mount is very much about Light coming into
the world. Christ says that we are the Light of the world. The Sermon on the
Mount is like a manifesto of Christ’s kingdom. Through the Sermon on the Mount,
God is speaking to the world, saying that we are the Light bearers.
Light engages darkness first by overcoming darkness in our hearts
as God’s people and then by overcoming darkness in our relationships, in our communities,
etc. the Sermon on the Mount is Jesus coming on the white horse.
Hence, the Sermon on the Mount and Revelation 19 is the same Jesus and the same message. It’s just a different language. Both of them are speaking about God’s kingdom coming into the world through the church, overcoming darkness and overcoming evil with good.
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