Returning What Has Been Stolen from the Grassroots - Exodus & Jubilee
My grandparents (on my father’s side) and their children came out to Australia from Northern Ireland before the Depression of the 1930’s. They settled in Sydney and during the tough times they were able to start a small factory making handkerchiefs, in which they could employ local people and help them through the Depression and during WWII.
The 1960’s were
the years of great optimism over modernisation. Countries like Australia were
linking in with the growing economy of America. Industry was becoming more
mechanised. To afford such machinery industries needed to become larger.
Smaller industries were bought out and former employees laid off. The welfare
state started to grow as government stepped in to relieve the unemployed. The
process was seen as capitalism: allowing competition to reform markets so
nations could compete favourably on a global level.
In the 1970’s
one of my brothers began to speculate in the textile industry. He and a friend
would borrow funds from a bank to buy out and amalgamate smaller textile
industries. This would give them economies of scale that would “rationalise”
(bring efficiency to) the textile industry in Australia, making it far more
profitable. This process meant workers would be laid off as management made
massive sums of money through rising company share prices. The wisdom of the
day was that workers had to retrain, become more educated. Fewer hours of
employment were also seen as a good thing. We saw futures of leisure, where
machines would do most of the work, providing income for all the society.
Australia saw
this “rationalisation” is many sectors. Large grocery stores like Woolworths
and Coles took over. In my in-law’s hometown in a rural district, local
supermarkets existed that benefited local farming and business webs. A national grocery chain said they wanted to
invest in the region and asked a local supermarket for market information. Once
they had the information, the national chain moved in and put the local store
out of business. These national chains have become so large they can control
supply markets and rob primary producers, like dairies. Operations like this
have greatly destabilised local families and community life. This happened in agriculture also.
Mechanisation put smaller farms out of business, destabilising families and
rural communities hugely. Industrial farming practices that look to short term
profits rape the nation’s ecosystems.
This is how
monopolies work. The Rockefellers took control of the American oil industry
this way. “Rationalisation” gave Standard Oil leverage that smaller produces
didn’t have. These smaller produces had two options: allow Standard Oil to buy
them out or go bankrupt. Many families lost their livelihoods. The Rockefeller
family grew wise in handling their public image. They embarked on philanthropy,
“giving” large sums to education. But this also reorganised a vulnerable marketplace.
They bought large sectors of education and, along with other philanthropists,
redirected education towards their own industrial interests and towards enhancing
their own public image.
This was done in
the pharmaceutical industry also. Rockefeller interests lobbied governments to
regulate the medicinal industry in their favour, putting their competition out
of business. This included effective herbal treatments, that then became know
as “quackery.” What was displayed as philanthropy towards health became a new
monopoly interest for philanthropists in hospital and health care. Today
medical treatments and pharmaceuticals are priced at unaffordable levels for
most people and the profits being used to lobby government personnel make this
situation currently impossible to change. Monopolies like this are wholly
against the interests of the people, including their actions to restrict
competing technologies and treatments for the sick.
The Heinz company
followed a similar track. Noting the danger to health from poorly made
products, Heinz lobbied government to bring in new relegations for the industry
to ensure safety. Such action may look sincere and government would surely be
lauded for protecting the consumer, but it was also a ploy to put weaker
producers out of business. Heinz was prepared for the new relegations and massively
increased production and their monopoly power. Kellogg followed a similar
track, with the same results. It’s the same old ploy: using or creating chaos
or crisis in an industry to “rationalise” the sector and buy up the weaker
competition, justifying it with appeals to efficiency and better prices for the
consumer. When the market is monopolised prices to the consumer rise.
The American
banking sector worked the same way. Initially states held their own currencies
and banks, but when economic crises occurred, banks consolidated their power
nationally to bring “organisation and safety” to the financial markets. A run
of depositors on banks in the early Twentieth Century was orchestrated by J. P.
Morgan, who used the crisis to propose legislation to Washington D. C. for a
privately owned Federal Reserve Bank. This increased the power of both the
private banking sector and the federal government (which could take massive
loans), eventually weakening local communities. Banks had more power to do
business in their own interest and not in the interest of the community and
these banks were also merged with the global banking sector, weaking the
sovereignty of the American people and people of most nations. But it didn’t
solve their economic problems that triggered a global depression in the 1930’s.
These major
banks went straight to work on improving conditions for their global business
interest. They set up organisations to influence education and government
policy to shift Americans from isolationism to globalism. Geopolitics was
restructured the same way industries were “rationalised.” Crises in other nations
allow military, political and economic intervention to restructure the power
balances. This has taken place in nation after nation, but two more notable
cases are Germany and the Middle East.
Prior to WWII Wall Street heavily financed Hitler, moving its business
interest into the nation. After Hitler’s defeat this enabled an economic
takeover of West Germany, eventually a re-united Germany and Europe that
greatly enhanced globalist markets for the biggest companies and banks. The way
crises were manufactured in the Middle East for global business reasons is
plain for all to see. It was still going on till the end of the Obama
administration, with Syria, until Trump pulled troops out of the region and
achieved landmark peace accords between most of the main nations involved.
The Wall Street
crisis of 2008, where the major banks failed, is another case. To say this
wasn’t deliberate beggars belief. Untenable mortgage loans were made at massive
levels that could not be sustained. Massive profits were made in the financial
sector, while the main players knew very well that this must crash. But they
also knew these banks were “too big to fail,” and that the government would
have to bail them out, by paying for the Reserve Bank to print all the money
they needed. This money was then funnelled into the rich sectors to bolster up
Wall Street. It shifted trillions more dollars into the hands of the richest
within the global economy while those in the lower middle classes who held
mortgages on now un-sellable homes lost jobs, homes and investments, and were
impoverished. If this 2008 crash wasn’t planned consciously, then it was
unconsciously. They also knew they would have immunity from prosecution because
government officials profit from Wall Street. It is all set up to work this
corrupt way.
Fast forward to
the Covid/ lockdown crisis and presto, we have exactly the same situation. It
serves corrupt interests even better than the 2008 crisis did. Many more
trillions of dollars are being printed and largely shifted to the wealthiest of
Wall Street and other international economies. Small businesses are closing at
rates never seen before, while monopolies are having record times of expansion.
The weaker people are suffering greatly, just like they did in every other
crisis and restructuring outlined above. The economy can’t sustain such a crash
and expansion of public debt. There is talk of a major “great reset” in which
whole new economic systems will have to be introduced, bringing about a
centralism and totalitarianism that would never before been countenanced
before. Is this outcome what every prior crisis was incrementally shifting us
By this time (2021) we can see that every sector has been corrupted. Monopolies have become so large and so intrusive in every other sector of our nations that their power is almost irresistible. Their needs to be an Exodus, a Jubilee, in which power is taken from the Pharaoh and returned to the grassroots. Land, wealth and sustainable living must be returned to the people. The slaves must be given their freedom.
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