Paul’s Letter to the Philippian Church

Paul’s messages were disturbing to the elite both in Rome and Jerusalem, because he was preaching an Open Communion, Open love, Open fellowship, etc.

His gospel was challenging the economic structures of the elite. It was also tearing down the segregation.

One of the reasons that Paul was being persecuted was because he was bringing Jews and Gentiles back together – One Table. We are one in Christ. To treat anyone from any ethnic or social background that is different from ours is to deny Christ and to deny His blood that was shed for all of us.

In Philippians 1:21, the only thing Paul considered important was the welfare of the Philippian church and the other churches. In essence, we don’t have our own life when we come to church. Paul said “for me to live is Christ”.

Paul was mostly concerned for the church. Paul was the chief host of sinners, he found out that Christ freely loved him, and freely forgave him. This touched Paul’s heart more than anything else. He decided to reciprocate the love that Christ had given him. Paul showed his love for God by loving the church, loving Christs’ people.

The greatest honour is to be joined with Christ; it’s the fellowship of Christs’ suffering. It’s important to go for the right things. The cross is the right wall to put our ladders against. We ought to climb up and join Jesus and His kingdom and His sufferings and His love for the Church. That’s Eternal!

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