Text: Ephesians 6:10 – 18, Jude 1:3; 1:21, 2 Timothy 4:7

Contrary to the view & opinion of most people that the world is a neutral/natural place, the world is not a neutral place. We cannot say there isn’t battle in the world. There is Good and Evil in the world as seen in Genesis 3 when the serpent enticed Eve.

The Church is on the side of the Good, and as a Ministry, in this year, we are on the side of the Good.

Despite the evil, God still has a plan to turn all to good for us so that we can share in His eternal kingdom.

What Does It Mean To Fight?

   1. Fighting means standing by the Word of God. It doesn’t mean aggression, violence, hatred, insults, etc.

   2. It means resisting temptations.

   3. Fighting means to be faithful. 2 Timothy 4:7. It means to stand on the battle of faithfulness by the Grace of God. This is achieved by choosing those things that are of utmost importance/value to us and standing by them. We need to pray and ask God to give us the enablement this year.

Why Do We Have To Go Through Battles?

We go through battles because without the battles, there’s no Red Sea.

What is Worth Something To You This Year? What Do You Value The Most?

Faithfulness is the way to achieve what you value. As Christians, the most valuable thing that we have is “THE FAITH”. It is of the highest value.

Below are some of the things that are of value to us:

  1.THE FAITH: Without THE FAITH, there is no freedom for humanity. Without it, there is no liberty or freedom only dictatorship. THE FAITH is not only viable for the salvation of our souls but the salvation of our Nations.

2.   THE CHURCH: THE CHURCH, just like the Faith is indispensable and is something of value. THE CHURCH is the only liberating factor of the world. It is the only hope for humanity. THE CHURCH speaks the truth by ministering Healing to the World. THE CHURCH is not perfect, but in loving one another, we brings down the glory of God. 

3.   THE FAMILY: This includes our marriages, children, etc. The family is of primary importance.

4.  OTHER RELATIONSHIPS: These are those "outside the camp". Our primary cause is to love and care for the weak.


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