Different Theories of Government

The revolution of America was bloody. The American Revolution was believed in the providence of God. This providence doesn’t mean that God approved of the violence and murder. But that God moved through these events and was bringing about providentially things that would be good for the future of the people.

Business communities and politicians became embed together. Thereby, businesses grow to huge monopolies today. The exodus as we’ve stated in recent devotions was to deliver us from a Pharaonic Top-down dictatorship and bring us into enablingness of care, jubilee, setting our neighbours free from death and lifting up the poor, breaking the yoke of oppression.

We need revival in our nations. We can’t fix this by violence, political anger. Our hearts and nations have to change. We need to repent as the Bible says in 2 Chronicles 7:14. We don’t win by conflict but by a new heart.


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