Christ’s birth was heralded centuries before by many prophets, including Isaiah: “To us a child is born, and a son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulders … of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end.” The “seven spirits of God” would rest upon Christ (knowledge, counsel, wisdom, understanding…Is 11:2) by which the creation was first made and by which it would be re-fashioned in Christ’s government. This is a gospel of good government upon earth, “making all things new."
The church is now a witness of renewed creation, ultimately fulfilled in our coming resurrection. Daniel depicted Christ’s coming as the foundation stone (a rock cut without hands, Dan 2) of a new temple (the place where heaven enters and fills creation), which would destroy the paganism of our hearts and fill the earth with good rule.
Personal responsibility calls us to be like Christ, to care for the weak, as Mary outlines. It’s a “creational-wing,” not left, not right, but where we share pro-life restoration across the board. Extoling the preciousness of all life shares both left and right-wing positions, which renews marriage and family, external relationships, and our environment.
It’s a call to deny self for others. My “identity rights” go out the window, as we seek what is best for each other. In serving we find personal fulfilment and heal the creation.
This is the government Christ depicted in laying down his life for all, bringing to the centre of history the event of true leadership: if God can lower himself for us then we lead others at our personal expense, not for personal profit. True power protects the weak.
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