Peace is a very big
matter globally today, and it is a must that peace efforts have a strong
biblical basis to succeed. Only the biblical framework furnishes us with the
complete template. The creation shows humans made in God’s image from which we
get human rights, or the dignity of each individual. Humans were also made for
community which negates the individualism of identity politics. Paul put it
like this, “Christ has freed us to Serve”. In the Torah property is privately
owned but is used to lift the poor and heal the community. Spirituality means
social care. There is a balance between “left and right,” a morality that
shares wealth and a sexual morality towards family and community. God deals
with our self-centeredness, the “pharaoh” inside us, so we live for each other.
This is how the individual battle for dignity is won. This is how we are freed.
It’s a theology that bases around creation and not the self, a theology of
life, all our lives and not just my own, the lives of our children and the life
of the environment.
The teachings of
Jesus about forgiveness, reconciliation and self-giving that redeem
relationships and communities from hostile pasts are crucial to a new creation
of peace. The vertical and horizontal parts of the cross, showing not only that
God holds nothing against us, but that we should treat each other the same way.
Restorative justice rather than punitive justice, that come from a right
understanding of the cross. The way God punished sin was to put himself in the
middle of it, to take the evil we did to him, and then to forgive it, freeing
our hearts from its guilt. He allowed us to punish sin in him, to free us from
it. He punished sin by exposing it by his cross, redeeming our conscience by
his death which exposed his forgiving love. That the divine should do this is
the greatest guide in the universe towards peace. This shows us the principles
of rebuilding ravaged communities. The only way we can reconcile earth, is to
know earth is reconciled to a loving God. Our self-giving towards each other
exposes our collective sin and reveals God’s love for a new world.
The resurrection of Christ: the vindication of self-giving. The hope of justice when we don’t take justice into our own hands, but trust in the one who made all things. The new values of the new kingdom, in which women, even a former prostitute, were the first to herald the new heavens and new earth by declaring, “He is risen.”. This herald came from no one important, but from the least of society then.
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